The List of Exotic Bird Names for Your Pets
If you are needing the inspiration to discover a new bird name for your new pet, do not worry. You can just as quickly get inspiration for exotic bird names from your new family pet’s look or character – you can also name your bird after your favored food!
When it comes to offering your bird a name, it does not matter wherever you draw ideas from, one of the things you will want to bear in mind when naming your bird is:
Wait to name your bird until you have spent some time with your new pet. You want to select a name that matches your bird – however you can not do that if you do not give yourself opportunity to learn more about your new bird! Don’t name your bird the minute you bring them to your house; rather, give yourself a day or two to get to know their personality – and then select their name accordingly.
Popular Female Exotic Bird Names
Names |
Spark |
Griffin |
Bobo |
Cyndie |
Nessie |
Noodle |
Mr. Beaks |
Tiki |
Candy |
Bart |
Spock |
Frank |
Rajah |
Jack |
Merlin |
Miss Parker |
Twinkle Toes |
Candie |
Opal |
Good Male Exotic Bird Names
Names |
Candie |
Nessie |
Rajah |
Jack |
Miss Parker |
Mr. Beaks |
Bobo |
Frank |
Twinkle Toes |
Spock |
Cyndie |
Sarah |
Clover |
Noodle |
Merlin |
Marisol |
Barney |
Things to Consider When Choosing Exotic Bird Names
When it comes to selecting exotic bird names for your bird, try to keep clear of the most popular bird names for the following reason
If your pet bird has one of the common bird names, there is a high chance you will certainly see other birds or pets with your pet bird’s name and also it could result in some confusion at the vet practice or other places where you are likely to take you bird.
If you are thinking about using somebody’s name in your family and friends to call your bird, it is important to consult with that person to find out how they feel concerning it first.
How to Pick the Perfect Pet Bird Name
Picking a great and one-of-a-kind pet bird name that you really like the sound of it is a must, especially you and everyone in your family will be using it almost daily.
Listed here are a few tips for selecting a bird name from our list of exotic bird names:
- Always select a name for your bird that you truly like the sound of it.
- Always go with exotic bird names that contain two-syllable names because 2 syllable exotic bird names might actually work better than one if your pet bird is distracted. This 1st syllable in bird name alerts your bird, while the second syllable gets them running to you. If your pet bird is sidetracked or misses the 1st part of his or her name, he or she receives a confirmation when it hears the second syllable.
- Try not to select exotic bird names that sounds like a command you plan to teach your pet bird. It will certainly baffle your pet bird called “Fletch” to fetch something.
- Try not to select exotic bird names that are offensive or embarrassing. Consider the times that you are going to call out to your bird when there are important visitors at your home. Because of this alone, it is best to choose exotic bird names that you would certainly be happy to yell out in front of others.
- Choosing a complex name for your pet bird will certainly confuse your pet bird and others like your vet.
Popular Bird Name Categories
How to Choose Exotic Bird Names That Stand Out from The Pack
1. Select a Good Exotic Bird Names That Ends with a Vowel – exotic bird names with vowels alter tone of your voice when you call for your pet bird. As birds can distinguish audio frequencies, it emerges as an important point in selecting your pet bird’s name. When the name of your pet bird has a vowel or vowel sounding name, it is very easy to get your bird’s attention. It is no wonder exotic bird names such as Buddy, Mixie and Josie are amongst the popular exotic bird names.
2. Avoid Choosing exotic bird names That Sounds Similar to Commands – Think about the frequently used commands you are mor likely to give your bird. Does your pet’s name sound very similar “Stay” or “No” or “Fetch” or other common commands to given to pet bird? If it is then pick a different bird name to avoid problems later.
3. Select Exotic Bird Names That Are Unlike Your Other Pets – If you have several pets in your household, make sure that your new pet bird name is not sounding similar to other pet’s name to avoid confusing your bird.
4. Pick A Name and Stick with It – If your new bird is getting adopted form an animal shelter, there is a likelihood, she or he already has a name which you might want to transform. In this instance, it is best to select a pet bird name within the initial two months and do not keep changing the names, as this will certainly cause lot of confusion for your pet bird.