The List of Funny Bird Names for Your Pet Bird
If you are being short of the inspiration to discover a new bird name for your new pet, do not stress. You can just as quickly get inspiration for funny bird names from your new pet bird’s color or character – you can also name your bird after your favorite food!
When it comes to giving your pet bird a name, it does not matter wherever you draw ideas from, among the things you will want to bear in mind when naming your bird is:
Naming your bird is not something you ought to rush into, since you will certainly be using the name for several years to come!
Popular Female Funny Bird Names
Names |
Gigsy |
Ollie |
Chelsie |
Flower |
Patrick |
Omega |
Screechie |
Cherry |
Jena |
Galen |
Thunder |
Moss |
Mindy |
Cobalt |
Chip |
Ciara |
Hook |
Pippin |
Fluffy |
Fester |
Midas |
Molly |
Jimmy |
Aja |
Felix |
Guapo |
Cactus |
Dove |
Buttons |
Chuck |
Olive |
Juniper |
Bob |
Miko |
Jungle |
Teela |
Twinkie |
Azura |
Frostfeather |
Van Helsing |
Iris |
Garra |
Fernando |
Spring |
Gracey |
Pamela |
Odus |
Homer |
Chilly |
Luiz |
Tuck |
Giggles |
Happy |
Petunia |
Henry |
Mystique |
Velvet |
Yasmin |
Banana |
Spot |
Repeater |
Tristan |
Jetta |
Scarlett |
Zena |
Orion |
Cleo |
Frank Sinatra |
Heather |
Green Bean |
Magic |
Bo |
Harper |
Gracie |
Elvis |
Yoda |
Milo |
Royal |
Maize |
Palomino |
Coco |
Jet |
Snowball |
Pappy |
Taz |
Owlivia |
Teeny |
Vanilla |
Maple |
Maia |
Echo |
Fiona |
Taco |
Teal |
Erwin |
Angelica |
Celly |
Coconut |
Bangles |
Nutella |
Circe |
Lola |
Erica |
Kiwi |
Leila |
Layla |
Collette |
Trent |
Goldilocks |
Madonna |
Orville |
Jey |
Tasha |
Gina |
Pearly |
Esther |
Indigo |
Froot Loop |
Bing |
Vader |
Floyd |
Foggy |
Bamboo |
Tik-Tok |
Dandelion |
Bones |
Cherub |
Pepper |
Christine |
Top Male Funny Bird Names
Names |
Cobalt |
Pepper |
Cory |
Jinx |
Van Helsing |
Fernando |
Thunder |
Evergreen |
Omega |
Marisol |
Banana |
Gracey |
Fiona |
Trent |
Coco |
Frostfeather |
Snowball |
Floyd |
Ciara |
Froot Loop |
Fester |
Flower |
Ruby |
Chip |
Yasmin |
Maia |
Bones |
Jungle |
Midas |
Zena |
Nutella |
Lola |
Spring |
Mystique |
Kiwi |
Rocco |
Chilly |
Cherub |
Vader |
Dove |
Elvis |
Sky |
Henry |
Erica |
Spike |
Guapo |
Leila |
Screechie |
Teal |
Teeny |
Felix |
Garra |
Yoda |
Odus |
Velvet |
Indigo |
Celly |
Olive |
Bing |
Dewey |
Jonah |
Circe |
Roxy |
Tasha |
Juniper |
Aja |
Goldilocks |
Christine |
Maizey |
Frank Sinatra |
Royal |
Chuck |
Vanilla |
Chase |
Jena |
Flora |
Hook |
Ollie |
Homer |
Foggy |
Taco |
Owlivia |
Jerry |
Magic |
Orion |
Echo |
Repeater |
Tristan |
Jackson |
Prince |
Heather |
Molly |
Tik-Tok |
Layla |
Pamela |
Pappy |
Collette |
Lord of the Wings |
Gigsy |
Tuck |
Dahlia |
Luiz |
Bangles |
Twinkie |
Bamboo |
Daffy |
Miko |
Milo |
Bluebell |
Palomino |
Erwin |
Harper |
Taz |
Giggles |
Galen |
Cleo |
Fluffy |
Jetta |
Angelica |
Melody |
Happy |
Bob |
Bo |
Eve |
Pearly |
Teela |
Esther |
Madonna |
Spot |
Mindy |
Jey |
Orville |
Jimmy |
Gracie |
Cactus |
Chelsie |
Things to Consider When Picking Funny Bird Names
It is better to stay clear of the most preferred pet bird names unless you are specifically connected to a specific bird name.
If your bird has one of the popular bird names, there is a high likelihood you will certainly see other birds or pets with your pet bird’s name and also it could lead to some confusion at the veterinarian clinic or other places where you are likely to take you pet.
Some pet bird parents wish to call their bird after someone in their friend or family. If you wish to pick a bird name which is also the name of a person in your family members or among your buddies, then have a word with the person to find out about his or her feelings.
Best Tips for Deciding On Funny Bird Names
Picking a cool as well as special bird name that you actually like the sound of it is a must, especially you and everyone in your family will be using it all the time.
Below are some suggestions for choosing a bird name from our list of funny bird names:
- Select bird name that you really like as you are going to be using it all the time, so it is best if you enjoy the sound of it.
- It is best to select funny bird names that has one or two syllables as it will certainly aid your pet bird recognize its name far better and much less headache for you and others to say over and over.
- Try not to select funny bird names that sounds like a command you plan to teach your bird. It will certainly confuse your pet bird named “Fletch” to fetch something.
- Avoid naming your pet bird with words that other individuals may find your bird name to be unpleasant or even offensive.
- If you are having a grown-up pet bird, try not to change your adult bird’s name, especially if the bird is familiar to a name. If you wish to change the name, choose funny bird names names that sound very similar. “Timmy” can be easily changed to “Jimmy” or “Mimme”.
Popular Bird Name Categories
How to Choose Funny Bird Names That Stand Out from The Pack
1. Choose funny bird names with Two Syllables – Long names for birds must be avoided, as you are inclined to shorten it in a daily use. The shorten names are usually has a tendency to be with two syllables, so why not pick funny bird names with two syllables from the beginning. It will certainly reduce the confusion for your pet, by having just having one short name.
2. Stay Clear Of Deciding On funny bird names That Sounds Similar to Commands – Think of the often used commands you are mor likely to give your pet. Does your pet bird’s name sound very similar “Stay” or “No” or “Fetch” or other typical commands to given to pet bird? If it is then select a different pet name to avoid problems later.
3. Select Funny Bird Names That Are Differ from Your Other Pets – If you have several pets in your house, make sure that your new bird name is not sounding similar to other pet’s name to avoid confusing your bird.
4. Choose A Name and Stay With It – If your new pet bird is getting adopted form an animal shelter, there is a likelihood, he or she currently has a name which you may want to change. In this instance, it is best to choose a pet bird name within the very first two months and do not keep changing the names, as this will cause great deal of confusion for your pet bird.