The List of Popular Bird Names for Your Pet Bird
If you are needing the inspiration to choose a new bird name for your new pet bird, don’t fret. You can just as easily get inspiration for popular bird names from your new family pet’s color or personality – you can also call your bird after your preferred food!
When it comes down to offering your pet bird a name, it does not matter wherever you pull inspiration from, one of the important things you will want to bear in mind when naming your bird is:
Pick a bird name that you like to say. Keep in mind – you’re going to be calling your bird’s name all day, every day. So don’t simply select a bird name based upon its symbolism – also choose a bird name you actually enjoy saying!
Top Female Popular Bird Names
Names |
Greeny |
Snow |
Puro |
Pea |
Scallywag |
Larmina |
Darlene |
Auzzie |
Monty |
Wilbur |
Calypso |
Jax |
Corona |
Pretty Bird |
Laila |
Blondie |
Skye |
Britney |
Carmen |
Cottontail |
Tilly |
Tinkerbell |
Best Male Popular Bird Names
Names |
Larmina |
Blondie |
Jax |
Cottontail |
Darlene |
Scallywag |
Britney |
Skye |
Tilly |
Puro |
Pea |
Carmen |
Snow |
Laila |
Auzzie |
Greeny |
Corona |
Monty |
Emerald |
Zeus |
Pretty Bird |
Daisy |
Points to Think About When Selecting Popular Bird Names
When it comes to choosing popular bird names for your pet bird, try to keep clear of the most common bird names for the following reason
If your pet bird has one of the popular bird names, there is a high possibility you will certainly see other birds or pets with your bird’s name and also it can lead to some confusion at the vet practice or other places where you are likely to take you pet.
If you are considering using a person’s name in your family and friends to name your pet bird, it is wise to consult with that individual to find out how they really feel regarding it first.
Top Tips for Picking Popular Bird Names
Selecting a cool as well as unique pet bird name that you really like the sound of it is a must, especially you and everyone in your family will be using it all the time.
Here are a few ideas for choosing a bird name from our list of popular bird names:
- Make sure you pick a name for your bird that you really like the sound of it.
- Always opt for popular bird names that contain two-syllable names given that 2 syllable popular bird names might really work better than one if your pet bird is distracted. This 1st syllable in pet bird name alerts your pet, while the 2nd syllable gets them to pay attention to you. If your pet bird is sidetracked or misses the very first part of his or her name, she or he receives a confirmation when it listens to the 2nd syllable.
- Try not to choose popular bird names that sounds like a command you plan to teach your bird. It will certainly baffle your bird called “Fletch” to fetch something.
- Try not to choose popular bird names that are offensive or embarrassing. Think about the times that you are going to call out to your bird when there are important visitors at your home. For this reason alone, it is best to choose popular bird names that you would more than happy to shout out in front of others.
- If you are having a grown-up bird, avoid not to change your adult pet bird’s name, especially if the bird is familiar to a name. If you intend to change the name, choose popular bird names names that sound quite similar. “Timmy” can be easily transformed to “Jimmy” or “Mimme”.
Popular Bird Name Categories
How to Choose the Right Name from A List of Popular Bird Names
1. Pick a Great Popular Bird Names That Ends with a Vowel – popular bird names with vowels transform tone of your voice when you call for your bird. As birds can distinguish sound frequencies, it becomes a crucial point in choosing your bird’s name. When the name of your pet bird has a vowel or vowel sounding name, it is easy to have your bird’s attention. It is no surprise popular bird names such as Buddy, Mixie and Josie are among the popular popular bird names.
2. Popular Bird Names with Negative Connotations – Some bird owners assume it is excellent idea to have a pet bird with the name that others will certainly find it undesirable or awkward saying the bird’s name. Why make your pet bird’s life miserable by picking popular bird names that have negative connotations?
3. Try out The “Nickname Test” – When you have a new bird, it is most likely, you will give your new bird a nickname. Jimmi quickly becomes into Jim. If you are inclined to select a longer name, try to come up with nicknames to see if there are nicknames that are simple to say, sound like their full names, and at the same time it is a cute name. This is one more reason to lower the confusion for your bird.
4. Choose Popular Bird Names to Match It’s Character – When naming your pet bird, why not take a look at his/her personality as it is a significant indicator of what you might want to name your pet bird. For instance, if your bird is a talker, then a bird name like “Quacker” suits him, perfectly.